Take a Hard Look at Your Intake Department

If you choose to examine your firm’s profitability in one single area, it wouldn’t hurt to take a hard look at your intake department.

Specifically for call abandon rates during office hours, overflow, after hours, weekends and holidays.

When it comes to the quality of your intakes and actual conversions, you might be surprised to find a few unexpected and gaping holes. It’s possible your marketing campaigns and investments that are supposed to be driving leads directly to your firm may also be driving leads to other law firms.

Losing leads can easily happen when a client calls your firm and no one picks up, especially during off hours where leads can be lost due to no one being on the other end of the line. Other lead losses may occur due to language barriers and not being staffed for a variety of languages. In any case, your potential clients will most likely go elsewhere because they are looking for immediate attention and care.

The Benchmark

The benchmark for comparison is no more than 1%. This is the capturing loss of all leads— from calls, web forms, chats or text leads. It also factors in that your response is with a live person over the phone and for web leads.

The key is to stop the client shopping processes, no matter what time of day it is, and get them qualified or disqualified through your intake process or an outsourced one. You must assure that your leads are not lost to other firms.

The Math

Let’s do some math.

If you only have four intake specialists and receive six calls, where do those other two calls go? They might be on hold forever, lost in space, or worst case scenario, they might go to another firm.

If the benchmark should be only 1% lead loss, and you are losing 3% or 8-15% of leads, you should seriously consider outsourcing your firms call, intake and contract services.

Just think, if you had one hundred leads, what could those two or seven or fourteen more cases per month mean to your firm financially?

Let Alert be Your Intake Process

Alert Communications operates around the clock, staffed with highly-trained, bilingual intake specialists, and has a 99% lead capture and intake rate. If your lead abandon rate is more than 1%, or if your firm’s answering or call service is not capturing 99% of your leads, Alert Communications can, and will, help. Not to mention, Alert Communications also texts contracts for instant electronic signatures on initial intakes. Outsourcing your firm’s intake and contract services would be a move that more than pays for itself. For more information visit us at https://www.alertcommunications.com or call 844-694-6825.