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Legal Live Chat & Text Services

Convert website visitors into new cases and communicate with clients wherever they are.

Let Our 24/7 Answering Service Help Grow Your Firm

Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

Let Our 24/7 Answering Service Help Grow Your Firm

Legal Chat Services Designed For Law Firms and Legal Marketing AgenciesMaximize Every Call That Comes Into Your Office

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24/7 people-powered legal live chat for law firms

Immediately respond to leads and potential cases and create an always-on client service desk with live chat for law firms.

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Live phone transfer

Increase conversion rates up to 40% when you combine live chat support & text with call services.

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Highly customized experience provided by excellent customer service with live chat support

Tailored legal chat window color schemes, logos and pop-ups to match and showcase your brand.

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CRM/CMS Integration

Send legal live chat & text data directly to your chosen software for a more efficient workflow.

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Reporting & analytics

Grow law firm, expand the reach of your legal assistance and business revenue with data collected from legal live chat & text conversations.

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Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

24/7 people-powered legal live chat & text

Connect with Phone-Shy Clients

Turn law firm website visitors into new cases and communicate with clients wherever they are and whenever they need you with our human-powered live chat solution & text services. Live chat option and text can earn conversion rates of up to 20% and with Alert, there’s always a live chat agent available to answer client questions, take care of appointment scheduling, and qualify leads in both English and Spanish outside of business hours-even in the middle of the night and on weekends or holidays. Our expert chat agents don’t just provide quick and empathetic resolutions to every client concern, they also accelerate law firm revenue because they know exactly which chat leads are worth your time. Create another channel for capturing qualified prospects and communicate with customers on their own time-all with Alert’s live chat & text messaging service.

Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

Live phone transfer

Increase Conversion Rates

Combine with call services to connect qualified prospects directly to a live intake specialist for real-time conversion, scheduling, improved client experience, and customer satisfaction. When integrated with call answering, legal chat & text services have been shown to increase conversion rates by up to 40%. Urgent texts or messages can be transferred to a designated person on your staff and non-urgent inquiries sent to an Alert intake specialist, who is ready to provide the skilled and empathetic service experience your clients deserve.

Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

Highly customized experience

Showcase Your Brand

Easily install a chat box or texting option on your website that pops up automatically to boost engagement and provide custom scripts and graphics to represent your brand. You can create customized scripts on the legal live chat service that speak directly to client needs or legal services, set specific pop-up timing to maximize lead capture and match chat icons, windows, logos, color schemes, pictures and contact information to your exact brand guidelines.

Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

CRM/CMS Integration

Collect Valuable Data

Connect to your chosen industry CRM software and Case Management System so that your lead and client information is always up to date with data collected from live chat and text conversations. Connect to the tools you already use, sync lead and client data, and easily fit Alert Communications into your existing workflow. Live chat and text conversations produce a lot of information and entering details into your CRM/CMS is a tedious but important task. Rather than spending your time on this administrative step, leave it to our professional chat service intake specialists who work to ensure you always have the most accurate information at your fingertips.

Legal Live Chat for Law Firms & Lawyers

Reporting & analytics

Know Your Numbers

Integrate Alert’s live chat & text services with analytics to improve client experience, track leads, grow revenue and stay on top of important case details. Data is managed in real-time by Alert intake specialists and can be accessed anytime, from anywhere. Get detailed reports on your live chat session and text information so that you can make better, data-backed business decisions and provide clients the care and attention their case deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Live chat can benefit law firms in several ways. Firstly, it provides a convenient and immediate way for potential clients to reach out and ask questions, increasing the chances of converting them into actual clients. It also allows law firms to provide real-time support and assistance, enhancing client satisfaction and building trust. Additionally, live chat can streamline communication within the firm, allowing lawyers and staff to collaborate more efficiently.

When choosing a live chat service for your law firm, several important features should be considered. Firstly, ensure the service offers customization options to match your firm’s branding and website design. Look for features like chat transcripts, which can be useful for record-keeping and reference. Integration with your existing CRM or case management system is crucial for seamless client management. Finally, consider features like chatbots or AI-powered assistance to handle basic inquiries and provide 24/7 support.

Live chat improves client communication and conversion rates by providing instant, personalized assistance. It allows law firms to address client queries promptly, reducing the chances of potential clients seeking help elsewhere. The real-time nature of live chat also enables lawyers to engage in meaningful conversations, understanding client needs better and building stronger relationships. Alert improves conversion rates by more than 30% by offering a convenient and efficient communication channel.

Yes, the legal industry has specific regulations and ethical considerations for live chat. Law firms must ensure that any information shared through live chat complies with client confidentiality and privacy rules. It is essential to have secure data encryption and storage measures in place to protect sensitive information. Additionally, lawyers should be mindful of providing accurate and ethical advice through live chat, avoiding any unauthorized practice of law or misleading statements. Alert ensures that your data is secure and confidential.

Live chat can be a valuable tool for lead generation and client intake. Law firms can capture leads more effectively by engaging with potential clients in real time. Live chat allows firms to qualify leads by asking relevant questions and understanding their legal needs. It also enables lawyers to provide initial consultations and gather necessary information for client intake. With the right strategies, live chat can significantly contribute to lead generation and acquiring new clients.

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Let Our 24/7 Answering Service Help Grow Your Firm Contact us today