You can’t afford a full-time receptionist in your small business, but you also can’t risk missing a call. Is there a fix? Yes. Alert small business answering services eliminate that risk.
We use advanced technology and trained agents to mirror the job of your on-staff receptionist, intake specialist, appointment scheduler or emergency dispatcher at a fraction of the cost. If helps you with a business valuation, no matter what industry you’re in, we can tailor our services to meet your financial and business needs — without signing a contract.
- Emergency calls – Our agents follow your customized escalation protocols so each call/message gets to the right person, right away. We also provide reports so you can track your calls.
- Work-hours calls – Alert agents can handle calls during lunch times or whenever you don’t have coverage in your office.
- After-hours calls – We provide 24/7 phone answering service 365 days of the year, so your calls are answered on sick days or during vacations.
- Bilingual calls – Alert offers 24/7 bilingual answering services at no extra charge.
With our options, you have the flexibility to choose when to forward your calls to Alert. We also can work with you to combine your existing automated system with our live services for customized answering. Take advantage of the small business answering service options Alert offers, and never miss a call again.
Frances Starr, Director of Sales & Marketing for Alert . Alert is a 24/7 bilingual inbound call center, specializing in professional attorney answering, virtual receptionist, Spanish answering and business answering solutions.