For those attending the 4th annual SmartAdvocate User Conference, we look forward to seeing you next week in New York City!

How Effective is Your Law Firm Intake?

Intake is the vital function that can make or break law firms.

It’s important to respond to incoming leads quickly. In fact, for the best conversion rates, law firms should pick up calls within the first three rings and respond to web leads in two to five minutes or less, every time.

Does your law firm respond quickly? If your firm lacks the bandwidth to handle intake, especially during a large marketing campaign, it might to time to consider an outsourced option. A legal call center provides intake specialists who can respond to all of your incoming leads, whether they come in via phone, web, email or text, instantly.

Expert intake specialists are continually trained in empathy, psychology, call control and legal terminology, so you know your leads are in capable and professional hands. Legal intake specialists can even follow up with potential clients on your behalf with outbound call services. Additionally, a quality legal call center’s services are completely customizable – you decide what your intake forms will look like, and the call center asks the right questions in order to qualify and convert on your firm’s behalf.

Simply don’t have enough staff to cover the incoming calls, emails, and web form submissions? We get it! And we can help. Stop by our booth any time during the conference, from June 10th-11th. Our team at Alert Communications is thrilled to connect with you and discuss improving your law firm intake, boosting your conversions, and increasing your overall return on investment!

We invite you to assess your intake before the conference with our scorecard: How to Honestly Evaluate Your Personal Injury Client Intake Process.

The goal? To give law firms a quick “snapshot” of their current intake. It breaks down the process into seven core areas. You can use this scoring to further analyze and evaluate your current intake system and processes.