Today is the international day of love, so why not celebrate by showing some love to those who keep your law firm running?
Here are a few ways to show your potential clients love so they’ll want to choose your law firm to work with—not the next firm on their Google search. Don’t forget to also show your already-paying clients appreciation. Ultimately, these customer service best practices will increase your customer retention and loyalty in the long-run.
1.Be There
In the modern law firm, answering the phone and responding to web leads can be difficult to stay on top of, especially when other tasks are taking precedence. However, when you leave valuable leads hanging, these potential clients are not waiting around for your response. They are moving on, quickly.
Prevent this, and impress them with your dedication and attentiveness, by responding right away, no matter the time of day. They will be wowed by your customer service, and you will have a greater chance of turning them into loyal clients because your law firm is the one that was there.
2.Put Yourself in Their Shoes
Sympathy is a nice gesture, but just saying you’re sorry to hear of someone’s situation or accident can ring hollow at times. Empathy is much more effective. It means truly putting yourself in their shoes, understanding and sharing their feelings.
Empathy is vital when working with legal clients because they might come to you with a very sensitive, uncomfortable subject. Reaching out to an attorney can be nerve-wracking for most people, so exuding empathy shows that you are understanding of what they’re going through, and ready to take on their case.
Example of applying sympathy vs. empathy:
Imagine someone calls your firm for the first time. This person explains to you they just lost their father during a routine colonoscopy surgery because something went wrong with the anesthesia. The person answering the phone can respond one of two ways.
Sympathy: “I’m so sorry to hear that. At least he went peacefully. So, let’s start by getting your full name and contact information…”
Empathy: “My sincere condolences. I understand what you’re going through. Our law firm has handled similar medical malpractice claims and they never get easier. I’m sure you’re going through a lot right now. Are you comfortable with answering some questions about the incident over the phone or would you rather set up an in-person meeting?”
The latter sounds much more sincere, right? To really be there for both your clients and potential clients, you must show empathy.
3.Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You”
There are a lot of things you can do to show love implicitly, but actually saying “thank you” is very important and often underrated. It can be done in many ways, too.
For new clients, a simple “thank you” email will do. Simply thank them for choosing your law firm to work with above others. Or, go above and beyond and send a handwritten card. After all, in the business world, people read hundreds of emails a day. A physical “thank you” note is memorable and could set you apart in a big way.
For loyal, long-term clients, consider sending them a little something as a token of your gratitude. Here are some ideas:
- A handwritten note (again, this simple and traditional gesture goes a long way)
- Freebie items with your logo (this can seem a bit self-promotional, but people get oddly excited about free stuff)
- A sweet treat (chocolate is often a fan favorite, or try cookies)
- A gift card (Starbucks or Amazon gift cards are sure to please almost everyone— extra points for personalization if you know your clients well enough to know their favorite coffee shop or store)
- Recognize their birthday with an email, handwritten card or small gift .Interestingly,click to visit (this as it can also creates a very personalized experience)
- Create a charitable program or give back to the community in some way (let your clients know about it in a newsletter or email; you can even invite them to get involved—people appreciate and actually prefer working with businesses that do good)
All of these customer appreciation ideas can (and should) be implemented all year round, not just on Valentine’s Day. Your clients will notice when you go the extra mile on top of just making sure their legal needs are satisfied. Continually show them love, and you will capture more leads, retain more long-term clients, and your profits will inevitably go up.
Our intake specialists are experts at making law firm clients feel heard, understood and comfortable, all while gathering the proper information to qualify and turn them into paying clients.
Consider working with Alert to learn more about the attorney services we can offer and show your clients love, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.