Answering prospective-client calls and turning them into new clients is crucial to growing your practice.

Our specialized attorney answering services ensure you never miss a new-client opportunity while giving your professional staff more time to complete important tasks.

Call Alert Communications today and find out why more attorneys use our 24/7 attorney answering services.

New-Client Conversion and Staff Support

  • 24/7 lead management for all of your marketing campaigns.
  • Collect new-client intake information.
  • Prescreen and transfer calls based on your customized instructions.
  • Take messages.
  • Confirm scheduled appointments.

Customized Support

  • Develop custom scripts and guidelines for call types such as potential client, existing client, court calls, other attorneys and more.
  • Use the same language and phraseology that you do.
  • Provide a specialized group of receptionists trained in legal terminology, call control, call scenarios and professional call handling with an empathetic approach.

Efficiency and Flexibility for You

  • Answer your calls 24/7, after regular office hours and/or for overflow.
  • Reduce cost when you combine live-answering and automated-attendant/voice-mail services.
  • Choose Spanish-language support at no charge.
  • Receive messages via text, e-mail and online access.
  • Get service packages based on your call volume with no contract.

For More Information Call Us Today At 800.664.3489.

Click to Learn More About:

  • Detailed billing for practices with multiple offices.
  • Legal media and marketing call support.
  • Attorney answering service for your bankruptcy practice.
  • Attorney answering service for your criminal defense practice.
  • Attorney answering service for your immigration practice.

Alert Communications assists businesses with a variety of call answering solutions. Click the following links to learn more about our Virtual receptionist services and Spanish answering services.